COVID-19 Update

Dear valued clients,

In line with instructions from NSW Health and to keep everyone safe, our office will be closed and our team will be working remotely from 5 August 2021, until further notice.

Similar to the lockdown last year, we remain contactable by phone on 02 4962 2088, or via email to Alternatively, you can contact our team members directly via their usual email addresses.

Our services to you during this lockdown period will not be affected, as we already have in place comprehensive procedures and systems to ensure a smooth continuation of delivery of our services. But if you are affected by the lockdown, or if you are unsure of what financial assistance packages are available to you, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have a meeting with one of our team members scheduled for the coming days, we will be in touch with you shortly to reschedule this to another date, or move it to online. We will do our best to minimise any inconvenience to you.

We look forward to welcoming you back to our premises. In the meantime, we wish you and your loved ones all the best during these uncertain times.

Keep well, and stay safe.
Yours sincerely

The Team at H&M Accountants


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