
 Self-Managed Super Funds 

Advice on Strategy and Structure - Formation including Corporate Trustee & Trust Deed - Advice on Super Fund borrowing - Administration, Taxation and Audit 

Plan your future with more certainty and build the retirement you dreamed of through a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF). 


A SMSF is a private super fund that you manage yourself. SMSFs are different to professionally managed funds like industry and retail funds. When you manage your own super, you put the money you would normally put in a professionally managed fund into your own SMSF. 

H&M Accountants have a team of accredited specialists who can provide tailored advice on whether a SMSF is appropriate for you, the set up and structuring of your fund to help you achieve the results you’re looking for. Our licensed advisers will provide you with comfort and peace of mind from knowing that the person you are dealing with has extensive training, documented knowledge and years of experience. 

Already got a SMSF setup? It’s still important to regularly review your funds setup to ensure it’s still meeting your objectives. Some of the things that existing SMSF trustees need to consider are: 

  • Is your SMSF still the right option for your super savings? 

  • Is your current trustee structure appropriate? 

  • Is your investment strategy current and relevant? 

  • Are you making the most of the pension options available? 

  • Is borrowing an appropriate strategy for your fund? 

Control your investment in your future, and build the wealth you need to meet your retirement goals. 

Want more information about our SMSF Services? Contact us today